Friday, September 26, 2014

Formerly Feral Friday

For all of you worried about how I am going to "handle" the M-word next week, let me assure you I will come through with flying colors. I have been M-word-ed from one home to another three times already. The only thing different this time is that all my Human's stuff is coming along this time.

Rest assured kitties, that I am at the very tippy-top of Mom's list. I am what she is most concerned about. My needs will be taken care of First. My things will be set up First. Mom has been telling her quilting buddies that she will set up her sewing room first, and she will. AFTER she sets up my stuff.  Her plan is to set up the Office first.
See the three windows on the front of the house? Those are the office. My kitty condo will be right in front of those windows. This side of the house gets the sun all day so it will be very cozy.

Mom and I are both furry excited.


  1. I'm so glad that you're feeling upbeat and strong Millie. I'm sure that there will be times during the next little while when you might feel like crying ... but just cuddle up to your mom and give her a big hug, and know that it will come to an end and you'll soon find yourself lazing in the sun inside those windows watching all the birds in the garden.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Your new little house if very cute, and we love the garden surrounding it. We are super excited for the move, as this seems a perfect spot for you two ladies.

    Have a good weekend.

    Julie and poppy Q

  3. That looks a lovely window in your new house to sit in the sun and watch the birdies Millie.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Oh Millie, we love your new house. It's purrfect. What a pretty garden you have. Don't worry Millie everything will work out okay. You have a perfect spot for your condo.
    Happy moving!
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  5. Millie, I never doubted that you would be first on the list. I know I'm always the first on my mom's list when it comes to anything that affects my comfort and well-being. It won't be long now!! I'm betting you will love your new windows. I love watching out the window for squirrels.

    Jack, The Wheaten Terrier

  6. Mommy is so envious of your new little house! We hope you both will be very happy in it! We can't wait to see you all moved in and comfy.

  7. What an adorable house, Millie! I bet you will enjoy it lots once you get settled in.

  8. Oh Millie, your Mummy loves you very much and I just know that you will be the main thing on her mind. Your new house looks lovely, how exciting for you all.

  9. Glad to hear you & the human are stoked about "M" day. All mom's hard work & organization are going to make this move go as smoothly as possible. All you have to do is sit & enjoy the ride Millie. Your mom's decision to reserve the full wall of windows as the location for your condo was a stroke of shear genius. Now you will have sun puddles galore to snooze in and plenty of windows to watch the world go by. You will have spectacular views of local wildlife like skwerls & burds like vishus wild turkeys. You ladies seem to have this moving business under control. I can see why you are furry excited about moving into your sweet new home & getting settled in to enjoy many happy years there.

  10. The countdown continues, hope all is well. Glad you will have a nice window to look out of.

  11. I'm really sure that you and your Mom will be very happy in your new home - we will all be thinking of you both as the big day comes around ... lots of kitty loves

    Noela Sydney Audtralia

  12. We are furry excited for you and the mom bean! We is sure you'll be furry happy there.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku
