Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Wordy Wednesday

Lookit what Mom did!

She moved my kitty condo and the two new chairs.

I do not like it. I do not like it one bit.

I do not like the new chairs, so I have been camping out under the bed. I certainly do not like this new arrangement, although Mom says it does not look as crowded.

(Insert snarky comment here.)


  1. It looks great, Millie - I am sure that you will soon get used to it. ( you never know, your Mom may change her mind and move things around again!)

    Noela Sydney Australia

  2. Sweetie, you are missing the obvious advantage of this new arrangement: Dive bombing from the top level.

  3. Like Monty said ... Or reading over mom's shoulder when she sits in her red chair ...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Well, Millie ... as much as we "feel fur you, dear" ... life is all about change ...

  6. That certainly looks cozy... if you are a human! In other words, Millie, I think it's all wrong for you!

  7. Oh goodness! It must be that "new chair smell" that's got you in a twist. You should put your stink on them and soon you'll think they are grand.

    Give it a try!


  8. Our mom is threatening to get some different furniture in our house.

  9. I kind of like it when the people move things around. It's like having a new place to explore without having to endure the M-word.

  10. Millie - calm down, snuggle with your 'nip 'nana. It's not the end of the world. I'm sure you will get used to it fairly quickly if you just give yourself a chance.

    Sydney, Australia

  11. Well at least it is still close to the window.

  12. At least you can sit in the kitteh condo and look over your Mom's shoulder while she sits in the chair!

  13. Change is always hard Millie. We is sure you'll make the best of it soon. Those chairs look pretty comfy, MOL

    Sasha. Sami, & Saku
