Sunday, August 17, 2014

She Loves Me. She Loves Me... not?

My Mom really loves me. Lookit all this Stinky Goodness. Mom says there is enough for almost three weeks. I dunno how long that is, but I know it's a lot of sleeps.

Mom loves me. I know it.
And then there's this.

I know Mom loves me, but this makes me wonder.


  1. Oooooh - Millie. That looks like something to be a little bit nervous about, I've got to say. But ... love is demonstrated in numerous ways including the occasional trip in the PTU, so I guess you might just have to 'suck it up'.

    Sydney, Australia

    PS. Three weeks is a lot of sleeps. It's 21 sleeps for a bean and 158 for a cat.

  2. Ohh ohhh I sense a holiday at a cat hotel coming up for you. Goodie - a vacation!!

  3. Despite your misgivings, many good things could happen . . .

  4. Ooh, Millie that is a little bit worrisome. As long as it is not a visit to the ebil v e t then all should be okay....we thinks.

    Enjoy the FF!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  5. It looks like mommy really spent allot of time setting up this little safe cage spot.

  6. is that a millie trap? RUN MILLIE RUN!!!


  7. Love comes in many shapes & forms Millie. You not like the looks of that crate right now, but you may be thankful to have it in the coming days. I think your mom wants you to have a comfy & safe place to hang out while some adjustments are made to your living situation. Even positive changes can be stressful, so I hope you'll try & do what you can to help your mom out & trust her to do what's best for you. You may not agree with everything mom does for you, but they are all done out of love for you Millie.
