Monday, July 28, 2014

What I Did Over the Weekend.

I napped.  (Big surprise)

However, MOM was wicked busy. She was completely manic. She didn't stop. On Saturday she got up and said, "Millie, I'm gonna drag the rug-sucking monster around today."

And drag she did.

Not only did she drag that rug sucker all over the house, she actually moved all the furniture around so she could get the sucker over every square inch of the place.

It took her all day and she had to empty the dust out of the rug sucking monster at least eleventy ten times.

She did all the other stupid junk she usually does on Saturdays too. She went food hunting, she did the washing machine shuffle. She changed the sheets on her bed, and she cleaned my litter boxes. She ALSO washed all the blankies and quilts in all my favorite napping spots.

She paid all the Mr Bills and cooked the books.

Not only that, but she brought three bins full of stuff to the Good Will Guys, (She's been trying to get rid of stuff that's been living in the dungeon for too long), went out to dinner and bought herself a birthday present. (Two sets of white dishes. Big Deal!)

Oh, she even mowed the lawn.

I get tired just thinking about it.


  1. So do I, Millie, so do I!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. MOL..Millie, you works harder than your mom..No wonder ;)

  3. You made me feel so tired - just thinking about your Mom, Millie, that I am now off to bed! ( of course it is bedtime here in Australia!)

    Noela Sydney Australia

  4. Excuse us we're off for a nap - reading that has made us feel very weary Millie.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Phew! That's a lot of work Millie. We hope she didn't interrupt your nap.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  6. Good thing we can't help our humans do their stuff. They work too hard.

  7. FIESTAWARE!! our the mom has a HYOOGE kollekshun. We efen eat out of fiestaware fruit bowls.
