Monday, July 21, 2014

Happy Birthday Mom!

Psst!  It's Mom's birthday today. She doesn't mind the birthday part so much as the number bit. It's one of those "0" years and she says she's in the Nile about it. I don't know what that means, but I think it's funny. The number doesn't matter, as any Cat knows. It's that you have a good life that matters, and Mom has a good one. She's got me, and as everyCat and many Beans know, I changed her life for the better.

Happy Birthday Mom. I love you, and we both know I don't have to sit in your lap to prove it.



  1. Happy Birthday to your Mom, Millie - I can't help wondering if she is celebrating 30? or 40? She certainly loves you and she must be so glad that you belong to her.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  2. Tell your Mom Happy Birthday from me, Millie. She shouldn't worry about being in the Nile ... lots of us have been there for a long time. :-)

  3. Happy Birthday to your mommy !!!
    Lovely hug from me :)

  4. Happy Birthday Millie's mom. I agree with Pat - many of us are in the Nile. It's good of your mom to join us, Millie.

    And yes, the definition of a good life for you mom is having you, Millie. While sitting on her lap isn't absolutely essential, it would be a nice touch, wouldn't it? Go on - give it a go. You'll like it, I'm sure!

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Having had quite a few of the "0" years now, we know they aren't all that bad ~ and having a special kitty to share them with, well that makes them really quite wonderful!
    If no lap sitting, how about a little paw tapping ...
    Happy Purrsday, Mom!

  6. Happy birthday to you Lynne. There are a whole lot of us in the Nile with you too, so we know how you feel. Enjoy your special day and we hope you get lots of sunshine and tasty treats.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  7. Happy Birthday Lynne!

  8. Happy Birthday Lynne - have a great day and remember the numbers don't matter. Purrs to Millie.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. You tell your Mom that "The best is yet to come". My Mom always hums and smiles to herself all the time. She stopped being in the Nile all long time ago.

    Have a very happy birthday Lynne!!

    Susan and Sadie

  10. Happy Birthday to Millie's mom. Your mom is very attractive, and however old she is, she looks really good.

  11. Happy birthday to your Mom, Millie! We hope she has a super-spectacular day. :)

  12. Happy Birthday Lynne! Enjoy your special day with Millie.
    With luv,
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  13. Happy Birthday Lynne! from the crazy cat-lady house (and we're 'babysitting' the grand-dog, Stig, this week, too!) in Iowa....

  14. Happy birthday to your human from me and my birthday human!

  15. Happy Birthday Lynne!
    Mom agrees with Millie, having a good life is what matters most :)
    So keep on enjoying a great life!!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ
    and mom Nancy

  16. Happy Purrthday to Millie's mom, Lynne. We heart you cuz you is a super nice lady!

  17. Happy Belated Birthday to mom! You are so right Millie, age is just a number.

  18. Happy Birthday Mom Lynne......
    ......from the other Mom Lynne
