Friday, June 27, 2014

My Special Day!

Today is a special day for me. Eight years ago today (gosh, I can't believe it was that long ago) was the worst day of my life, and it was almost the LAST day of my life.  I got hit by a car, and was left for dead in the middle of a busy street. I couldn't move, and I was terrified as cars zoomed by.

It turned out to be the BEST day of my life (until then) because I was rescued by Malcolm.  You can read the story here, and see the very scary pictures of my broken leg.  I needed expensive surgery and cat lovers all over the world helped Malcolm raise the thousand green papers needed to fix me up.

My leg did get fixed and I can run and jump any time I want. Later I moved to New Hampster to my furrever home with my Mom and my big brother Gizzy and sister Jasmine. They went to the Bridge the following year, but they taught me how to be "social."

Now I live the life of a Top Cat with my Mom, who loves me very much. I have lots of furriends all over the world and I have had many excellent adventures.

I'm a very lucky cat, and I have lots of folks to thank for it. If you own part of my bionic leg, I want to thank you from the very bottom of my happy heart.


  1. This is INDEED a very special day, Millie! We are so glad your story has such a happily ever after to it. :)

    Have fun celebrating, sweet girl.

  2. Sending scritches from Tennessee . . .

  3. A Very Happy Rescueversary, Millie! You are sure one lucky cat.

  4. I went back to 2006 and read some of your blog, Millie. You look very young in those photos, like you weren't much more than a kitten. I'm glad you were rescued from your terrible plight.

  5. That is an awesome anniversary, Millie - it was the first day of your whole new life!

  6. Happy Day sweet girl!

  7. We is so furry happy we gets to be here on your special day! We didn't know you then but we is glad so many beans were there to help.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  8. Yours is a very inspiring story Millie - and one that has led to a very happy life for you and your mom.

    Sydney, Australia

  9. Oh Millie!! We are so glad that you got Rescued and we are are very pleased to have you for a great furiend!
    Your TX furiends,
    Samantha & Mom

  10. This IS a special day!
    We're so glad that you were rescued and you're our furriend, Millie.

    Sending lots of love to you and your Mom.

  11. We are so happy that you got rescued, made better and got to meet up with your mum.


  12. It is a lovely story - all round....I am sure you , and your Mom, will have a marvellous day. Thank you for sharing your special day news with all of us.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  13. Yes, it is a very special day!

  14. Oh Happy Day Millie!
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  15. Happy Special Day! What a wonderful story of how life can change in an instant, and how a tragedy can become the turning point for a wonderful future :)

  16. I remember the day Malcolm found you. We were so worried about you. But, look at you now, all grown up and beautiful!

  17. Hope you had an awesome Special day Miss M. You and your mom are living the good life together.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  18. You have grown into such a lovely poised lady cat. Oh how frightened you were, but you were in the best hands possible and now are in the best home possible! We love you Millie & Lynne
