Thursday, May 08, 2014

Thursday Catch-Up

Mom is wicked tired. She did the washing machine shuffle yesterday and went food hunting but mostly she lay on the couch watching tennis on TV. Naturally I was close by, purring. Mom didn't get the flashy box out, so I thought I would show you some pictures from our trip.

 We got ice cream and cupcakes in Manhattan Beach.

Yoda relaxing in a cool spot. (It was hot in LA.)

The beans went out to eat real live dead raw fish.  I did not come because I do not like fish.

(Mim-may tripped and fell the first day, scratched her glasses and got a black eye. So in some pictures her face looks funny. Maybe you noticed it. A very good make-up artist made her look beautiful for the wedding day.)

 This flower was in bloom at Mr Karate's place. Isn't it pretty?


  1. We know what ya mean. We do not not like dead raw fish either! Or even cooked.

  2. We are glad you and your Mom had a good cuddle :)
    We are sorry Mim-may fell and hurt her eye. We noticed that it did look very sore. We send her purrs.
    Enjoy some more snuggles!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure, JJ
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

  3. Wow Yoda has certainly grown into a beautiful (big) boy. My mom loves Manhattan Beach too. Its one of her favorite places to "hang out" when she visits her family.

    That flower is called a passion flower. Mom says it tells the story of sure is pretty.


  4. Wow, Yoda has gotten BIG! My human wants to plant some passion flowers at our place, but with her black thumb, I have my reservations.

  5. Does it ever get hot enough in New Hampster for you to try Yoda's trick of napping in the bathroom sink?

    Sydney, Australia

  6. That is one funky beautiful flower!!
    We did notice Mim-mays face but we thought it was a trick of the light or the camera.
    Yoda is very pleased that sink was installed entirely for his cooling-off pleasure! Perfect fit!

    (Heh Heh.....Trick of the Light....I just realized what I wrote! -L)

  7. We hope Mim-mays eye is better now. It probably turned several colors!
