Monday, May 05, 2014

The Day After

We spent the day after the wedding talking,

(17 people went out for brunch, including the bride and groom, who decided to enjoy their guests before leaving for their honeymoon.)

and eating.

 (Mom really loved this salsa verde.  Me, not so much.)

And looking at pictures we took of the wedding.

and relaxing with friends afterwards,

and enjoying the transformation of Mr Karate from shaggy

to stylishly trim and chic.

Mom's brothers and sister have left for their homes. Mr Karate and Rubylocks (who doesn't want to be called Mrs K) will leave on their honeymoon later today.


  1. This was so lovely. What a purrfect ending to a purrfect wedding!

    Happy Monday and safe travels!

  2. Fabulous pics of your fambly, Millie. As for that salsa - it's green-ish, so it's no surprise that you didn't like it.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Hear, Hear for Mr. Karate's trim chic new look --

  4. What a great bunch! And how fun to continue to enjoy each and every moment. Millie, my mom loves that "green stuff" too...I prefer the salty chips myself.


  5. Simply beautiful Millie. It brought happy tears to our eyes. Thanks for sharing these wonderful moments.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  6. You have a beautiful family. We can't believe how Plus One has grown! But they tend to do that, don't they? Where is the honeymoon?

  7. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Looks like they chopped off a few years along with the hair.

  8. Mum agrees with the happy couple staying around and enjoying the family for the day. You all don't get together very often.
