Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What's Up Wednesday?

You know how I said I wanted it warm weather? Well, I got it.

Yesterday at ridiculous early Mom and I got up and went to the Boston airport.

Mom and I got on a plane.

It went up in the air.

For four hours all we flew over was white stuff. Very boring.

Then we flew over some snow covered mountains.

Finally we flew over and then into a really big city.

LOOK!!! We're in Los Angeles! It's sunny and warm here. It was 88 degrees (31 C) today. I like this much better than cold and rainy.


  1. You are definitely on the West Side - out here in Northeast Los Angeles, it was in the 90s!

  2. Looks lovely. You ladies enjoy all that heat!!

    Julie and Poppy Q

  3. Yaaaay - you're on your way to Hollywood, Millie. A star is born!!! Fabulous news.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Yippee!! Welcome to Catifornia Millie! I ordered special weather for you and I know you're going to have a wonderful (and exciting) time.

    Do you have butterflies in your tummy? The big event is about to happen; enjoy and have fun.


  5. Those are some great pictures of the views outside your plane window. Hope you waved when you went over us in Iowa--one of those 'fly over states'....... that are pretty flat and boring--especially this time of year without any color in the fields!

  6. 4 hours & you're there!
    Enjoy the warmth!
