Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

Mom wasn't exactly thrilled about scraping an inch of snow off the windshield of her car before she went day hunting yesterday.

When Mom got home from day-hunting last night, the ice on the bush outside was shimmering in the sun. Which is saying something because it was above freezing for most of the day. But it was very windy, so it felt a lot colder.

I have been hiding out in my tent, on the cushy warm fleece pillow.

Several cats have commented they might have had a chance at winning the When When Contest with this late bout of snow, but no. The rules of the When When Contest clearly state that the contest is over when Mom and I look out the window in the morning and don't see any snow anywhere. If snow falls AFTER that day, then oh well, it's New England weather for you.  Sorry Sparkle.


  1. We almost feel guilty of our 70 degree temps after seeing this.

    Hope the big thaw happens soon, Millie and Mom.

    Happy Thursday!

  2. You keep yourself warm, won't you Millie?

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Pretty, even if it did snow again.

  4. We loves your labels, stupid cold, MOL

    The ice is pretty but it sure has stayed past its welcome!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  5. The ice is beautiful, but we hate the stupid cold, too!
