Thursday, April 03, 2014

 Hey Mom, hurry up. You have to post photos of the snow for today's blog.

Lookit how much the snow is melting.
We had a frost overnight, but no snow.

We still have enough of that. I am sorry, but Mr HB White, and Mr OB Kitty, neither of you has won the When When Contest.

It is supposed to be 52F (11.11C) and sunny all day today. It is supposed to be 63F (17C) on Tuesday. Do you think the snow will last that long? 


  1. Oh goodness! The When When Contest!! I know I'm too late and I've only been back to blogging since Monday, but I'm excited to see who wins!
    ~Lisa Co9T

  2. It will melt, when it melts!

  3. It's finally coming down to the wire!

  4. Geeez - times are tough when you have to stand over your mom to try to get her to take her feet off the desk and get her hands on the keyboard. Keep up her training, Millie - seems as though it's never ending.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. wow we forgotted what date we picked.

  6. Those temperatures sound purrfect. That snow doesn't stand a chance!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku
