Monday, April 07, 2014

Mischievous Monday

Mim-may and Mom went shopping yesterday and Mom bought stuff for the wedding. Mom bought a pair of pants and a blouse. The pants were white and the blouse was black-and-white. It's so nice to see my influence is finally rubbing off.

As for Mr Karate and Rubylocks....

I dunno.

There was still snow on the ground when Mom went to bed last night. We'll see what happens when the sun comes up.

Update: Ayla, Georgia, I am sorry. There is still snow out there and neither of you has won the When When Contest.  The end is coming soon... Who will win the When When?


  1. Oooh - not long until the wedding. Obviously your mom wanted to match your outfit Millie. Good choice. You can't get any classier than black and white, can you?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh will we win? Sooooo close me thinks.

    The bride and groom look awesome - and so happy.

  3. Oh my 2 favorite people! What a cute the glasses. Notice the colors in the glasses? Black and white!! Amazing.

  4. No, MOMBEAN, I don't think that's the wedding attire. SHEESH.

  5. That is very determined snow! Well, I will hope for the 9th or 10th for Marley or Iza. ~ Ayla

  6. are they getting married in their bathrobes? that would be PAWSOME

  7. You are an influence on your people! Black & white is just right for any occasion!

  8. Black and white is so elegant!
