Friday, March 07, 2014

Formerly Feral Friday

Mom and I are both happy it is Friday. The weather is supposed to get warmer, so we hope the ice in the driveway will melt so Mom won't have to worry about falling.

I have also been reminding her to get the list of guesses up for the When When Contest. Mom spent most of last weekend cleaning the house, so she has no excuse this weekend.

Stay warm, kitties!


  1. Ooh, we hope that nasty ice does melt! Ours if FINALLY gone. (again)

    We hopes you get some lovely sunshine to bask in, Millie.

    Happy Friday!

  2. I've got an annoying bird issue. The Woman won't let me out!

  3. Paws crossed for that ice melting! That is so dangerous.

  4. We are ecited about the weather here too, Millie! TBT told us it is sposed to ZOOM up to "average" again fer several days! And right now, "average" sounds great...

  5. I hope you and your mom have a wonderful weekend together.

    Sydney, Australia
