Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Tuxie Tuesday

It rained all day yesterday. It got very very foggy - Mom said it was like being in a cloud - and during the day the temperature got all the way up to 55F! That's almost 13C!  But it got really cold last night, and right now it is 10F, and won't get much warmer. The rain melted some snow, but as you can see from the driveway, it's all frozen. It's not as cold here as it is in other parts of the US of A, and I am certainly glad to be an inside kitty.  I have been spending a lot of time in my heated cat cup, or on my kitty condo, where it is nice and warm.  Do you have a favorite napping spot or two or three?


  1. These 40 degree temperature swings are hard on the people that have to get out. For us kitties, we just find a warm spot and snuggle in!

  2. My favorite napping spot is the floor heater - call me a wimp, the LOWS in the office here rarely get below 60.

  3. I'm glad that you're making good use of your cat cup, Millie.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Oh yeah, that is why we trade off depending on how hot or cold we are.
