Friday, January 24, 2014

Freaking Cold Friday

Mom fell again last night when she took out the trash. She says she did not fall on the ice, but tripped, fell on her knees, and hands, and her chin hit the wooden steps. She's got a bit of "road rash" there and she's hoping it doesn't turn black and blue.

I really don't know what's wrong with that. I have a black chin and as we all know it's very stylish.


  1. If she gets a black chin and eyes, can we call her Millie 2?

  2. Hope your mom feels better after her fall. Mama fell a couple weeks ago & her knees still hurt!

  3. Oh no Lynne, hope you aren't too battered and bruised. Keep warm and toasty this weekend ladies.

  4. I think black chins look way more stylish on kitties than they do on humans! I hope yours is okay and she didn't hurt herself badly. :-(

  5. Well, Millie, you've got to have a certain panache to carry off a black chin successfully. You do it extraordinarily well; I suspect that your mom isn't in quite the same league, although it was very generous of you to suggest that she might be.

    Fabulous pic of you today.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. We fear the black chin looks much better on you than poor Mom! Sending her feel better purrs. XOXO

  7. Awww sweetie, so sorry to hear that mom fell. Hope she will be okay.

  8. I do hope your mom is not too stiff and sore later today and tomorrow. Sometimes it's a bit later when the full impact is realized. Give her lots of purrs.

  9. I think California is on the phone for you hear it Lynne?

    Hope you heal soon,

  10. Millie, we sure hope mom heals up soon. Black and blue aren't good colors for beans!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  11. mom says the black and blue isn't so good for the peeps like that. hope your mom is feeling ok

  12. I hope your Mom is feeling much better by now, Millie - black chins on ladies just don't look "right".

    Noela Sydney Australia

  13. Our mom has been known to do silly stuff like trip over her own feet or miss a step, fall & hope no one was looking. Then she's stiff for days afterwards.

  14. Tell your mum to be careful. Plus we can say that mum uses plain, cheap cat litter to help give traction on icy spots. She keeps some extra bags in the metal monster room to toss out as needed.

  15. Your black chin is adorable! Humans don't pull that look off as well as kitties.. Hope your mom is ok!

  16. Purplish doesnt look as good on Beins as yer black chin does on you, Millie!

  17. MomBean says that you're going to be the death of her (remaining) brown hair.

  18. No news since Friday, is your mum ok, dear Millie?
