Sunday, January 05, 2014

Easy Like Sunday Morning

I am taking it very easy today. Mom is too, actually. She did all the house cleaning stuff yesterday so she is taking it easy today too.  Later we will both watch the new season of Downton Abbey (No spoilers, please!)

This is what it looks like outside this morning.
The temperature is supposed to get above freezing later today, and it is supposed to rain. For those of you who are familiar with my almost-annual When When Contest, you know that although sun and warm temperatures melt snow, rain melts it faster.  So we'll see what all this snow looks like tomorrow!

Have a nice day! Spend it napping in your favorite spot.


  1. That sounds like a great way to spend your easy Sunday. Stay warm, Millie!

  2. We hope you and Mom stay warm. Our temp is 28! it was 70 on Friday, Mom had to put on extra layers just to keep warm in the house!

  3. I think this year's When When contest will be interesting!

  4. Have a wonderful easy Sunday

  5. Enjoy your easy Sunday Millie & Mom!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  6. Stay warm, we are going into the deep freeze!

  7. It's good to know that your mom and you are going to take it easy together, Millie. Enjoy.

    Sydney, Australia

  8. Cold rain is the worst thing ever. Stay inside and warm!

  9. We are heading into the deep deep freeze along with Derby & Ducky.
    -25 overnight tonight. That is real temp not wind chill, that will be -45.
    It will be nice to start the when-when game because that is a sign of spring coming!
