Friday, December 20, 2013

Furry Family Friday

This is my fur-cousin Obiwan. He lives with Mr Karate and Rubylocks in Catifornia. Obiwan is enjoying the quilt Mom sent to Mr Karate and Rubylocks for Christymas.

I am glad to see everybuddy is enjoying the quilt. Mr Karate says it has been "cold" out there in Catifornia lately, so this is perfect for them. Mom is very happy the quilt will be well-loved.


  1. I hope you furred the quilt up before you let your mom send it, Millie. That way Obiwan will be able to smell you even though he's a long way away.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. That sure looks like the way to enjoy a catquilt...

  3. MOL, I like the way you put "cold" in quotation marks, Millie! Yeah, cold out here and cold in New Hampster are two different things.

    Obiwan is very cute!

  4. Obiwan is beautiful! Does that mean that Yoda has a buddy now?

  5. I think Rubylocks and Obiwan have something in common, don't you Millie ? ( clue - hair/fur colour).

    Noela Sydney Australia
