Sunday, December 15, 2013

A White Sunday

OK, so the idea of a "White Christymas" is really a fantasy. We do get them, but rarely. Usually were we are here in New Hampster, we don't get that kind of snow until AFTER Christmas.  I think this year we're gonna have a white Christymas, though. Here is what it looked like last night at 11 PM. It had started snowing lightly at dinnertime.

No, Mom didn't go outside or open the window to take this picture. She took it right through the glass. (For the When When pictures, she does open the window.) 

When we both woke up this morning at 8 AM, she took this picture. It hard to tell how much snow there is, although it's easy to see there is a LOT. Mom says the snow is probably deeper than I am tall. It is not snowing now, but the storm may still drop more snow.

One of the very nice things about waking up with this much snow on the ground is that it's quiet. The snow muffles the sound and it's very peaceful. It will stay that way until folks start their snow-throwing machines and shoveling their driveways, and the monster snowplows go by and shake the house.


  1. Good thing you is a kitty and dont's have to go out into the snow Millie.

    Mom says shovelling all that snow isn't much fun!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  2. Yep, it does look like you'll be having a white Christmas - I don't think that stuff'll be disappearing too soon.

  3. It looks very pretty, although it would be horrible to have to drive in it. Stay safe and warm Millie and mom.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. My experiences with snow are few and far between -so I am not sure how I would find it to live in/ or with. I will follow your experiences on your blog, Millie.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  5. Holy cat, Millie! We're glad you can stay inside where it's warm and cozy.

  6. Darling Millie! So nice to see you today ;-) Boy, you *do* have a lotta snow, don't you? It would be great if some of it would come fall out here in the Sierra Nevada mountains, but I guess it doesn't work that way. Sigh. It looks really pretty though XOXOXO

  7. WInter is co confused this year!
