Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tuxie Tuesday

Really Mom?  You're going to stay up late just so you can finish that book you're reading on your Kindle? I think you should go to bed. It's time for my scritches.


  1. Yeah - I hear you. My mum headed to bed last night to read her book, and stole my cosy warm sleeping spot. I was annoyed and meowed at her to tell her off. Did she listen - no she did not.

    You enjoy your snuggles miss M.

  2. Scritchies are more impawtant that ANNY book.

  3. C'mon mom - you can read and scritch at the same time! Hop to it.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Your human needs to get her priorities straight, Millie!

  5. I think you will convince your Mom to do as you suggest -how could anyone ( let alone your Mom) say "no" to that look on your face?

    Noela Sydney Australia

  6. When I take time out to read (physical books only) I have to sit. I would love to read in bed but I always fall asleep. The cats leave me alone because I think they think I am working.

  7. Oh gosh....what book now?
    I'm at 75% on How the Light Gets In. Sporadic bursts of reading. The story seems to be getting a bit farfetched.

  8. Who could say no to you Millie? Not us!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku
