Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Tuxie Tuesday

Now that we are back on Standard Time, I can sit here after I've eaten my breakfast and watch the world wake up and get going. Of course I don't like waiting until after dark to get my dinner. There are less than 50 days before the shortest day of the year and then all the days get longer. I can deal with that.


  1. You've got yourself a prime spot for watching some bird TV there Millie. Good job.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. It sounds as though you have it all worked out, MIllie!

    Noela Sydney Austalia

  3. What a smart kitty you is Millie. We is thinking that winter is just starting...only seven more months of it to go :(

    Have a great Tuesday!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  4. Yeah, only 50 days until the days start to get longer? Mum is coming home in the dark now.

  5. We are glad TBT goes more by sunlight than the clock. Our mealtimes haven't changed much. Of course, they were always a bit irregular annyway...
