Thursday, November 07, 2013

Concatulations Julie!

One of Mom's Besties, Julie, made a houses quilt, except she made it with barns. She made one barn for every month of the year, and it was pretty spectacular. I got to see it, and it was really pawsome.

Julie really struggled with the quilt. She made all the barns and then put them together... and didn't like it. So she took it apart and fixed the sky and the ground below the barns, and then added some borders. The quilt is magnificent, if I do say so myself. (You all know I am an expert at quilts.)

 Julie decided to enter it into a local quilt show, and lookit this:

Not only did Julie win First Place for Machine Pieced and Machine Quilted, but she won BEST OF SHOW!!!

I am purring like crazy because I am so happy for Julie. She's one of my best buds. Go on over and give her a high paw!


  1. That is a gorgeous quilt. I love barns.

  2. Yaaaaay Julie. And yes, Millie, you are probably a world expert on quilts, so when you saw it and declared it "magnificent", we should have been able to predict that it would a Best in Show winner.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Lynne, tell Julie I love this quilt also. congratulations Julie on your wonderful award. Love, Ma xxx

  4. Well done Julie -a lovely quilt!

    Noela Sydney Australia

  5. What a unique and interesting quilt! You are right Millie, it is magnificent!

  6. Pawsome!
    That IS a beautiful quilt and a work of art!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  7. You are not only a quilt expert Millie, you have very good taste. That is a lovely quilt. But then we knew that, your mom makes beautiful quilts with your help of course!!
