Thursday, October 17, 2013

Truthful Thursday

It's the time of the year when I am very happy to be formerly feral. It's getting cold out, and I am nice and warm on my cat hammock.

Mom's getting back into the swing of her day-hunting gig, although she said if there were an endless supply of green papers she'd retire and live a life like mine.

Lucky me!


  1. Yes, we are very lucky, aren't we, Millie?

  2. What can you see out of that window, Millie?

    Sydney, Australia

  3. We are happy to be indoors too Millie. The blankies are so warm and cozy :)
    We think Mom is jealous of our lifestyle too, heehee
    On the other hand, sometimes she says she will probably die on the job :/
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  4. That's the best way to look at the outdoors,Millie... through the cat TV!

  5. Angel is very thankful for that, too!
