Friday, October 11, 2013

Red Leafs, Green Papers

It's quite a bit different in New Hampster than it was in Tennenneseeee or Ark and Saw. It is the time of the year when a lot of our trees turn red, like this one in the back yard.

The red tree you see in this picture is next to the stabby place where my v-e-t works. Mom says I will be visiting there soon. (I say Fat Chance!) What all this red means is the hots are gone and it's time to feed the heating monster lots of green papers.

Mom's been trying to entice me to get into the heated cat cup. She's got it plugged in, but although I will pick out all the treats, even the Magic 'Nip isn't enough to get me to climb into it.

Millie: 1
Mom: 0



  1. No heating monster here, Millie - just the cold air box. Miss you!

  2. Millie, if you don't want that heated cat cup, I'll take it! Although here in SoCal, I won't need it nearly as much as you will!

  3. Hang onto that heated cat cup, Millie. You might change your mind about it later in the winter when it's even colder.

  4. I suspect that it might even be Millie: 2 Mom: 0 - because your mom doesn't seem to realise that you hop into that heated cat cup the minute she walks out the front door!

    Good luck in your annual battle to remain vet free!

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Looks like you've thrown down the gauntlet. Stay strong! :o)
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  6. You will give the heated cup a chance when it gets really cold.

  7. Gotta keep the mom guessing, right Millie?

    Good work.
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  8. Better luck next time, Mom!
