Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Not Quite Wordless Wednesday

This is my woofie friend Bella.

This is my friend Betty.

This is my friend Shari.

This is the Lion of the University City Library. I think his name is Leo.

This is Chris. She quilts Mom's quilts.

This is Mom and I leaning against the Gateway Arch.

I have made a lot of friends this trip and have had a wonderful time.  We are on our way back to New Hampster. I am quite looking forward to getting out of my traveling outfit.


  1. What nice people you met. We know you can't wait to get home.

  2. "Friend" and "woofie" in the same sentence? Say it isn't so, Millie!

    Looks like you're having loads of fun. Thanks for taking time out during your travels to share. Much appreciated.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. That lion is PAWESOME! (We typed "loin" three times before typing lion correctly, which would have been pretty funny to leave in a comment.)

  4. Bob says he thinks the lions name might be Clarence. He remembers Clarence the cross-eyed lion from Daktari wore glasses.

  5. you have had a great trip and met a lot of good friends, but it is always good to get home!

  6. What a terrific time you have had - making all those new friends. And your Mum looks very happy too.
    I am sure you will be glad to be back in New Hampster, though.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  7. Travel safely Millie!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  8. Glad you got to see a few of the sights in St lewee. Hope you had fun.
