Monday, August 05, 2013

It's My 7th Gotcha-Day!

Holy Toledo!! (What's Toledo? Why is it holy? I dunno, but I digress...)
(oh, I was a cute little kit!)

Today is the seventh anniversary of this:

 It's my Gotcha-Day! The day I got my Forever Home. The day I got my Mom! (She thinks it's the day she got me. She's wrong, but I won't correct her.)

My Mom loves me a lot and gives me lots of cool stuff, like this heated cat cup.  Mostly she loves me even though I don't come when she calls me, don't sit in her lap, sleep next to her at night, or let her pick me up, trim my claws or snorgle my belly.

Which is kinda amazing, when you think about it. I really do love her, even though I don't show it the way most cats do. I'm lucky to be alive, and I know it. I'm REALLY lucky I have such a terrific Mom.

Yup, today is a really great, really important day in my life. I'm happy to be here, living with Mom, in New Hampster, and happy to have such wonderful friends in the blogosphere.


  1. Happy Gotcha Day Millie. YOu do not have to let Mom do all those things to know she loves you!

  2. You're STILL a cute kit, Millie.

    Congratulations on choosing a mom and a forever home that has been a wonderful fit for you.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Happy 7th Gotcha Day Millie and many, many, many moooooore!!! You have a wonderful mom who loves you lots, too!!
    Howdy from your TX furiends,

  4. Wishing you the very best Gotcha Day ever!

  5. Happy Gotcha day Miss M. Don't worry, I am not very hugable either, but like you I come and sit on mums lap very occasionally, sleep with her every once and a while, and do not like being picked up. Sisters I tell you.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  6. Happy Gotcha Day Millie and even if you don't cuddle up with your Mom she still loves you to bits. Have a wonderful day and how about you give your Mom a kiss as a surprise.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. Happy Gotcha Day Miss Millie !
    I hope you have a lots of cuddle, treats

  8. Happy gotcha day! We're so glad you got gotted! And even if you don't do all that lovey dovey kitty stuff, I'm sure your mom knows you love her!
    By the way, Toledo is the city I live in! We're not sure but it seems we got the "Holy Toledo" thing because there are so very many churches in the city! We also have more dirty book stores per capita than any other Ohio city so I guess we're glad they didn't use THAT for our nick name! Weird combination huh?

  9. Happy gotcha day, Millie! I can't believe it has been seven years!!

  10. Happy gotcha day, Millie! Your mom loves you lots and lots, too.

  11. Happy anniversary, Mille! You found the best mom and are a very lucky kitty!

  12. We are all the lucky ones 'cause we "gotcha" YOU and your mom!

  13. Happy Gotcha Day!!!

    Monika get's home from here vacation today too. I can't wait

  14. Happy "G" day Millie. I love reading about you everyday! Have a fun day; hope you you get extra treats on your special day.

    Head-butts & smooches'

  15. Happy Gotcha / Birthday, Millie. You got a really great home all those years ago.

  16. WE sure are glad you were gotcha'd into such a wonderful and loving home, Millie. Happy Gotcha Day!

  17. Happy Gotcha Day Millie. Enjoy your special day with your Mom. She loves you very much.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  18. Happy Gotcha Day Millie!

    We is happy your mom shares your with all of us too!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  19. Happy Gotcha Day sweet Millie!!!
    Such a very special day for a very special kitty.
    lots of love,
    Katie, Glogirly & Waffles

  20. Happy Gotcha Day sweet Millie! We're glad that your Mom found you!

    Luf, Us

  21. Happy gotcha Day, darling Millie. We don't comment here very often, but you were kind of our interduction to kittie bloggs and kittie bloggers, so we think about you a lot.

    Love that second photo. Looks like you're checking out the car, trying to decide if you're going or not.

  22. Happy 7th Gotcha Day Millie!!
    Hard to believe it has been 7 years too :o
    We are happy it worked out so well for you :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  23. Wow, 7 years already?! We amember when Malcolm resqued you - Mom and me, that is. Nina wasn't efun burned yet! Happy gotchaversary!

    1. Borned, not burned. Nina has nefur been burned!

  24. Happy Gotcha Day Millie. We are happy that you got where you are too.

  25. Happy Gotcha Day and Blogoversary, Millie! I remember when you picked out your Mom and it's hard to realize that it was seven years ago. I didn't even have any kitties then.

  26. Happy 7th Gotcha Millie! We love the 'flashback' photos of when you were gotcha'd.
