Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuxie Tuesday

Mom's "Day From ..." yesterday wasn't as bad as she had expected. It is still going to be a very busy week, but she should be fine. I've tried to make sure she gets enough rest. Heck, I found a book for her to read about a cat detective named Joe Grey. (Really. The detective is a grey cat named Joe.) Mom duly sat herself down on the couch last night and read the whole thing.

There is a contest called "Cats on Quilts" and from time to time I have been humoring Mom and pretending to pose for her. One of my favorite photos of me on a quilt is this one:
The quilt on which I am resting belongs to ME and was made for ME by a famous quilter. Quilts are great for napping on, and covering with your furs, but there's nothing like one that is made specially for YOU. Or ME, as the case may be.


  1. That is a good pic of you Millie. The thing is, however, that with your classic black and white furs, you look good napping on just about every quilt you sit on.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. very cute

    BTW - mom has read those books and enjoys them very much

  3. You are the perfect quilt kitty Miss M. Lovely photos of you.

  4. You look lovely on that quilt. We love the colors on the large quilt too!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Any picture of you is a favourite :)
    We like any with you on a quilt too ;)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  6. We love that pic, too!

    You have such beautiful quilts, Millie. We bet you enjoy furring each and efurryone of them!

  7. You have your very own quilt, Millie? That's really cool. We love the colors and designs on your big quilts.

  8. Nice quilt Millie, you is furry lucky girl to have you furry own. No such luck here!

    We likes the photo furry much too.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  9. Millie you look absolutely gorgeous with all those colors! Being basic black & white you don't clash with anything...you compliment it.

    Mom has seen that series of books but passed it by. Didn't realize it was a cat detective and thought the cat was just a theme for the covers.

  10. Mom loves Joe Grey! She gas read all 20 of the books!

    We may enter the pets on quilts contest. Have not hears about the cats on quilts!
