Monday, July 01, 2013

Sticky Monday

It's hot here, but nowhere near as hot as it is out west. Here it's sticky, and that's very uncomfortable. The weather guys say it will be like this most of the week. 

It's a good thing I have lots of cool places to nap.


  1. it was not bad here this morning - needed the thermal blankie on the bed

  2. We have had a break in our awful hots. And for this we are truly grateful.

    Happy Monday, Millie. Stay cool!

  3. Keep cool, Millie.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. It's 90 here @6:23AM!! The humidity is high and we're looking at triple digits today. Of course I live in the desert in So. Calif.....but this is really ugly weather for this time of year.

    No worries though, my mom makes sure I have my own special floor fan and she'll turn on the air conditioning soon. :-)))))


  5. It is very strange weather, A cold front in Texas in July. It got down to 66 this morning! Unheard of in the summer!

  6. I'm glad we get hot, but usually not sticky! My human is crazy - she actually LIKES humidity!

  7. It looks like you have found a cool spot to hang out, Millie. Good plan while this hot weather hangs around.

  8. Hi Millie!! It was really really hot here the other day, too!! We like your cool spot!! And we sure don't like the other thing your Mom is trying to get you in!! Hehehehehehe!!
    Hugs from your TX furiends,

  9. Could you get a tile floor ta nap on? Those are really cool.

  10. I've invited you before, Millie.......get your Mom to pop you in that new "toy", and put it on a plane and come out here where it is cool - no COLD!

    Noela Sydney Australia
