Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rain, Rain, GO AWAY

I mean it! Holy Bast! We have had so much rain Mom has had to tip over her garden pots to get the extra water out.

And it's cold. Where are the hots? Where is the Sun?


  1. C'mon Millie: rain is good. And since you're an indoor pusscat, you're all safe and dry and warm, so just think of all the good the rain is doing for the soil.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Too bad you can't send some of that rain our way, Millie - we need it!

  3. We've been getting crazy rain every day, too. But it is hot and rainy. We think the weather is playing tricks on all of us! Stay cozy and dry.

  4. We have been getting rain and crack and boom storms for the past couple of days. We're ready for it to stop too.

  5. So sorry its so soggy :o)
    Thankfully you are an indoor feeelion, but I do know it puts a cramp in your widow lounging without sun. I'll send some Arizona sun and heat your way.
    Have a great day.

  6. OMC, that must be a lot of rain to fill your mom's garden pots! We hopes the sun comes out tomorrow!!!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  7. Saying the same thing here Millie. It still feels like early April. The clouds stay so thick the sun can't burn through. It's kind of warm, but with no sun it's dreadful.

  8. We have just hit the hots here! the weather is crazy

  9. We had lots of thunder boomers tonight and rains. Supposed to be sunny and all tomorrow.
