Saturday, May 25, 2013

Sloppy Saturday

I'm not the one that's sloppy. I'm clean and so is this basket full of towels.  What's sloppy is the weather outside. It's been raining most of the day, and it's grey and much cooler than usual for May. (It's about 47F or 8.3C).

Mom went out in the rain and bought big bags of dirt and pots for her yukky green herbs and some tomato plants.

And my Nip.

I've spent the day napping.


  1. She's a good mom, your mom. Going out in the rain to get stuff for your nip.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. We hopes the sun comes back soon Millie. Our mom agrees with Megan, you mom is good to take care of things for you even when it is raining. Hmmm...doesn't she know beans are supposed to cater to us kitties? MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  3. Sorry to say that we have bright sunshine here and twice the temperature - about 16 degrees. It sure is topsy turvey weather for May.

    Enjoy your nap.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  4. What is with the weather these days? If it gets any colder, you can have the When When contest all over again!

  5. Mum did outside stuff today too. But not in the rain.

  6. Whoa! That is too cold for May! Have you emailed your weatherman? How can you pawssibly be getting window whiffies and sunpuddles in this kind of weather??? Unfair!

  7. We saw that some places up north were getting light snow! We hope it was not you!

  8. At least she didn't forget the nip

  9. I love your weather. =)
