Friday, May 03, 2013

Finally Friday

Mom is at it again. Check this out.
This is the super duper freezy box. Mom cleaned it out last night. She threw away lots of old popsicles (too much sugar) and ice cream. She's not a big ice cream fan. Mr Karate LOVES ice cream, but he lives so far away now that Mom doesn't think it's worth keeping on hand. Mom also tossed a lot of bags of things she says are "mixed frozen veggies." She never cooks with them, so they are gone. And she tossed some old frozen hamburgers and "mystery meat." She kept the frozen peas, corn and spinach. There is an entire bin full of nuts and another full of coconut and different kinds of seeds. There's a bin for meat, one for real live dead shrimps and one full of yukky green basil pesto. She also keeps some granola, pizza dough and homemade stock in this box.  Now Mom is happy.  Go figure. I don't get it either.

This is what I like doing.
Watching what goes on outside.

Have a happy Friday everybuddy.


  1. Mum likes to clean out the freezer every now and then, often things fill it up and mum doesn't remember buying them.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  2. Our humans have been forced to clean the freezer twice in the past 2 years when we had power outages due to storms or the hurricane. Probably a good thing!

  3. It's not necessarily true that your mom LIKES cleaning out the freezy box, Millie. It's just one of those things that's gotta be done every now and then. Being a cat, you don't have a lot of those kind of tasks to be undertaken - a bit of nail clipping and cleaning (as per your Thursday post), some snoopervising and training of your mom and you're pretty well done. Beans tend to have more yucky tasks than that.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. keep a good eye out there....

    our mom likes the idea of the boxes - good one!

  5. Wow, what a beautiful, well organized freeze box! I'm so proud of your hard work, Mom!

  6. My human says she did not know you could freeze pesto. Not that it ever lasts long enough around here to freeze, MOL! I keep trying to convince her that fresh kill is the best diet, but she does not believe me.

  7. mum cleaned out the cold box side this week. Lots of little stuff got tossed. The freezy box is nearly empty anyway, except for ice cubes.

  8. Mom did that, too, and found some waffles that were not even in a box, so out they went!

  9. Real live dead shrimps......num nums.

  10. Oh Millie - I finally got to looking at the picture of your Mom's freezer........but gosh, I spent such a lot of time just taking in your beauty.....what a lovely photo!

    Noela Sydney Australia

  11. Momma loves to clean the fridge, the cabinets... Everything! She even loves to clean ME! She loves to organize stuff in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the bedroom. She even organizes my own plastic box where my stuff are in.

  12. We likes your job better Millie!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku
