Monday, April 15, 2013

Sad Tuxie

It was supposed to be a fun happy day, and then some idiot or bunch of idiots made the Boston Marathon a tragic day. I do not know why some people find it necessary to kill and hurt people on purpose. I am putting my purr-er on overdrive to help as many of the injured as I can. Mom is saying special purr-ayers. Perhaps you can help too.

Thank you Chicago Tribune Sports:
 You are a class act.


  1. Don't be sad Millie, you have all of us furriends here on the CB to help you purr! We are revving our motors up!

    Why can't humans be more like us kittehz? The world would be a better place. ((HUGS))

  2. Yeah, we are purring too. Sad that people do things like this.

  3. It's tragic Millie. Purring here in CA too.

  4. I am sending lots of purrs to Boston too.

  5. We are sending purrs to all involved. But if they find the Beins who did that, we are hoping they have VERY BAD DAYS.

  6. We are purring for everybody in Boston, too.

  7. it is so hard....but that newspaper cover is pretty awesome - thanks for sharing it with us

  8. Ich bin Bostonian.

    Sydney, Australia

  9. Terrible news............we are all sending love and condolences to the people affected.

    Noela Sydney Australia
