Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuxie Tuesday

Megan wanted to know how Mom was going to get the metal masheen out of the driveway yesterday.

Answer: Mom drove out. There was only an inch or so of snow, so it was easy.

I love napping on my little quilt. From here I can watch Mom as she tippy-taps.  She didn't hold up any fingers last night, she just yakked on the telephone. 

Why do I look so sad?  The weather guys say we are supposed to get MORE SNOW this week.  Enough all ready!!!


  1. Yes, enough already! We need this all to melt away by the end of March. MOL! Stay warm, sweet tuxie. xoxo

  2. Yeah, we are supposed to get mores snows later today too. Where is spring?

  3. Thank you for the explanation Millie. I'm so glad your mom didn't have to shovel snow.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Millie looks as bored as my 4 brood of cats are since it's snowing again here! It was supposed to be only a 'dusting', but they got it wrong.....

  5. Your mom yakked? Was it a giant hairball? That had to mess up the phone pretty badly!
    Get her to the vet for a check up! That's what she'd do to you, so turnabout is fair play!

  6. Now you see why I picked such a late date for the When When contest!

  7. We are glad yer Mom dint have to shovel that driveway. Its looks kinna icy!

  8. Sure looks icy at the moment. I think it is best to stay snuggled up. We have a question: does mom leave heating on while she is out at work to keep you warm?

    Our houses don't have central heating, and our house gets cold, so mum does worry about me in the winter.

    Julie and Poppy Q
