Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Not Wordless Wednesday

Ok everybody, the contest is closed. Over the next few days Mom will add a list of everybody's guesses on the sidebar. Mom and I were kinda surprised how many cats picked days in April. I would have guessed a day in March, but we'll see.  This is what it looks like outside as Mom and I write this today.

I made sure Mom had a good picture of me, because photos of MOI on this blog have been scarce lately.


  1. we picked april knowing that mom is due to have baby later march and believes there will be a epic snow storm for the delivery.

    Pixel and samba

  2. I don't think we have seen you in that chair before!

  3. You are one gorgeous cat Millie. That quilt looks stunning against your furs.

  4. Millie, I think a lot of us just don't believe you are done with the snow yet!

  5. Yay, lovely picture of you Millie!

  6. And this pic was worth waiting for Millie - another stunner.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Millie, You look fabulous posing on that beautiful little quilt. I am sure you will have it good & furry in no time. Did your Mom make that quilt just for you? She is such a good quilty sewer. To bad she could not stop her tippy tappy job & just stay home with you all day sewing. Ah. A cat can dream can dream can't they?

  8. We're not trusting this winter, Millie. Too many whopper storms springing up all over the place!
    Beautiful pic of you!

  9. That is the fun of guessing for this. We love to see pictures of you Miss Millie.
