Sunday, January 13, 2013

Foggy Bottom

This is what it looks like outside my window. It's foggy. Mom says that's because the ground is cold and the air is warm.  The snow has been melting and it is yukky looking. Last night the temperature did not go below freezing, as it does in winter. The weather guys say that's a "thaw." I guess.

It's blah looking and it makes for a good day to find a nice comfy spot to nap. I will do just that, but you know Mom. She says she has to wash the dishes, fold the laundry and cook the books. I've got to get her to go food hunting too, because there are only four cans of stinky goodness left on my shelf and that's only enough for two days.

***Update: Mom went out this afternoon and refilled my stash of stinky goodness. I am all set. Thank you for your concern. 


  1. Looks pretty dreary! A good day to stay in...after she gets the Stinky Goodness, that is!

  2. That does look cold and wintery!

  3. It does not look TOO foggy - perfectly fine for your human to go out and replenish the cat food stocks, right?

  4. Only four cans left? That's riding the ragged edge of disaster! MOL Let your mom know that if there's nothing else to eat, she's fair game!

  5. I agree with the Celestial Kitties: four cans is insufficient stock against bad weather, a car that won't start or your mom coming down with a head cold. I believe that a review of your emergency preparedness policies and procedures is overdue and that a revised minimum level of stock should be established at, say, 25 cans.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Low on stinky goodness? That is not acceptable.

  7. We got cold weathers again and tiny sleet balls, too. BRRR! We're just gonna stay next to the fireplace and snooze. Have a happy Monday, Millie. XOXO
