Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday TV Con-un-drum

Mom and I watch a lot of TV together.  There isn't any tennis until the Aussie Open next January, so Mom's TV watching is a bit more, shall we say, varied.  You all know that Mom loves Project Runway, and we both love our pals, the guys named Pat.  She also loves cooking shows.

She has a big problem. Tonight, the guys named Pat are playing at 8:20. The Next Iron Chef is at 9:00. But Mom has a guilty pleasure. A show she loves to watch, but keeps secret. Mom loves Survivor. The two hour season finale is at 8:00 tonight.

Which will Mom watch?

I dunno, but I think the remote is gonna get a workout.


  1. Sounds like it just wouldn't do to get between her and the tv tonight! MOL!

  2. This is why our DVR is worth it weight in gold. Also for when Mom falls asleep while watching a favorite show. Don't know how your Mom will work it out between the Survivor and Iron Chef, but maybe she can follow the Pats on the computer on some live blogging site or something at the same time. She is probably safe to watch the first hour of Survivor anyway.

    Be sure the remote has good batteries!!! And Happy Sunday.

    Pee Ess: I bet our Dad will be watching that game.

  3. Don't you get a vote?

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Mum will probably watch the feetsball. Not into survivor or watching other people cook.

  5. Our mom hasn't watched Survivor this year because it was on at the same time as another show she likes. (I think it was The Voice) but she'll probably watch the finale.

    Mom says she'd watch the finale, check the score during commercial breaks and wait for the Iron Chef in re-runs, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  6. Yep, SHe going to have a sore thumb tomorrow!

  7. MOL. We agree ... your Mum is going to have a sore thumb tomorrow. :)
