Thursday, October 18, 2012

Truthful Thursday

This is my new favorite napping spot, in the corner behind the recliner.  There are radiators on each wall beside me, so it is a nice warm spot.  As you can see, Mom has placed my heated cat cup nearby to tempt me, but I am not falling for that.


  1. Oh Millie, you should try that heated cat cup. You will fall in love. Princess sleeps in hers year round. A radiator on each side, is not a bad thing, either. Happy Thursday. XOXO

  2. I'd say TWO radiators trump on heated cat cup!

  3. But if you hide in that corner, your mom can't chat to you Millie, or scritch you. How about coming out from behind there - you could even nap on your mom's lap if you like.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. That looks like a good spot to be napping. Lola has started napping in the upstairs hall where the hot water pipe runs under the floor.

  5. Who needs a heated bed when you have two radiators!

  6. That's an awesome place! Private and comfy, and a person would have to contort themselves to bug you! Awesome!

  7. TWO radiators sounds great. No wonder ya like nappin there now.

  8. Maybe the heated cup will be a better option for deep winter.

  9. Hi Millie,

    I'd say you've found the perfect spot - right in the safe corner with two radiators and a comfy pad. Plus it's pretty well concealed with that big rocker in front.

    The heated bed looks Real nice though. Maybe if mom found a cooler spot in the house that didn't already have a perfect corner...

    =^-^= Hairless Cat Girl =^-^=
