Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tattle Tale Tuesday

So you know how it is.  Your purrson gets home from wherever it is they go all day, and they feed you, then they want to change their clothes. Don't ask me why, but they do. Mine does anyway.

Well last night, I finished my dinner and then went over to find Mom. She had changed from her day hunting duds to her usual jeans-and-a-turtleneck.  She had already put on her new sheepy slippers and was looking for her fleece vest because she was a little cold.

(Now I know that if she's hungry, she's colder than usual, so I kept trying to tell her to go EAT, but, well, you know.)

Anyway, she KNEW the thing was in her closet, and it was, but she couldn't see it. She was looking on the hangers. She went through the closet three times.  Then she checked every drawer in the bureau, but it wasn't there. It wasn't supposed to be there, but she checked anyway.  She couldn't find it.

So she went BACK to looking in the closet.  She looked at everything on hangers. Nope.

So she went BACK to looking in the bureau. She opened every drawer. Nope.

I tried to help. I really did. I meowed. I meowed several times.

She ignored me.

After she looked in the closet three times, and after she looked in the bureau three times, and after she checked the coat closet in the hallway, she came back into the bedroom and found it.



  1. Hiding in plain sight, like a cat!

  2. HOW could she miss seeing it? Its BLOO!!!

  3. You can only do so much, Millie - after that, your mom has to take responsibility for herself.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Yeah, mum can walk into the room sometimes and forgets what she is there for.

  5. I'm glad this story had a happy ending, Millie!

    Noela Sydney Australia

  6. MOL. Our humans do that kind of stuff, too. :)

  7. Millie,my mum is exactly the same. She will go round and round in circles looking for stuff.

    Julie and Poppy Q
