Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Meow Like a Pirate Day!

ARGH! Me be Dread Pirate Millie, swillin' grog and avasting me timbers. Join me in celebratin' Meow Like a Pirate Day!

on the other paw, ARGH, is right.  The Zoolatry Girls and Ann lost their Poppy Vic. They make our wonderful grafiks and do so much for the CB.  Please go over and leave your condolences.


  1. It is strange that on such a fun day, we are mourning fur dear Ann and her family. XOXO

  2. Millie, Argh is right. You are a great pirate.

    WE have Ann in our thoughts

  3. Ahoy, Pirate Millie! WE be wishing you a swashbuckling day.

    We have Ann and her family in our thoughts, purrs and prayers.

  4. Ahoy Miss Millie the Brave! We set sail on our trusty vessel this mornin' in search of booty and loot contained on an ancient treasure map marked wif an 'X'. The seas be calm and tis a fine day for piratin'. Hoist a mug 'o grog with us and lend yer fine sand diggin' skills and ye'll be granted a portion 'o the treasure!
