Friday, September 28, 2012

Finally Friday

Mom has been working very hard, and I've had to lie on top of her to get her to rest. Sometimes she reads on her Kindle. That's OK.  She can give me scritches and read at the same time.

So why am I giving her the stinkeye? Because she said I couldn't nap on this particular quilt. (It's a good thing I have lots of other quilts for napping on.)


  1. You can't nap on the quilt that you're sitting on? That's just so wrong.

  2. Millie, you are the kitty in charge! How can your human tell you what quilt you can and cannot sleep on? Not fair!

  3. Oooh - I recognise that quilt, Millie. It's one that your mom has been working on for weeks and weeks and weeks and it's still not finished. I don't think she wants you to waste your time furring up fabric before it's become a proper quilt - that's all. No doubt when it is completed and she's invested hundreds of hours in it, THEN she'll invite you to fur it up.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Stage a sit-in, Millie. Let your mom know who's boss.

  5. How silly! Telling a kitty they can not sit on a quilt!

  6. Aren't Kindles a great invention for cats?!! The human only needs one hand to use it and the other can pet the cat, just like you said!

  7. Poor Darling Millie... Alas, the training of the humans is never ending.
    Have a wonderful Caterday.
    Always, Queenie

  8. You do the righteous indignation so well, Millie...we can read it in your eyes! MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku (Mom Eileen)

  9. Better stay on the other quilts. There must be somethin special about that one!

  10. What??? You can't sleep on that quilt at all? Then that is a righteous stinkeye!

  11. Honestly, Millie - your Mom and other humans are so hard to understand at times, aren't they?

    Noela Sydney Australia
