Thursday, August 09, 2012

Truthful Thursday

Mom's been doing a lot of sewing lately and has been neglecting the housework. There are dirty pots and pans on the kitchen counter and she still hasn't folded the laundry from last weekend.  Yeah, I know she's been teaching and watching the Olympics, but. 

Fortunately one of us has been keeping up appearances.


  1. Why are you always dobbing your mom in, Millie? Leave her in peace! And once you've finished your laundry, perhaps you could do the dishes for her.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Isn't it amazing how we look good at all times but the house not so much? Well, somebody's gotta keep up appearances, right?

  3. Well, at least SOMEone cares about how things look. Right, Millie? :)

  4. At least you are keeping up appearances!

  5. At least you are keeping up appearances!

  6. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Dear Millie -I am a couple of days behind, so I am commenting on the cup cakes..........all I can say to you is that it is good to hear that your Mom is doing well at WeightWatchers - and I am sure that having cupcakes on your birthday is perfectly acceptable.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  7. Humans just aren't capable of keeping it together with the same ease we do, Millie!

  8. Good yoga pose Millie. Keep up the good work.

  9. The bed looks pretty neat Millie, so Mom is obviously keeping up on some things. We think you should let her have some long as the food keeps coming and the box is clean! MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku (Mom Eileen)

  10. Good to see that you're still cleaning, Millie! MOL!

  11. We see you know how to play the cello too, Millie!
