Tuesday, August 21, 2012


You all know Maru, don't you?  He's the world's most famous cat.  He's on tv, and he has a squillion videos on YouTube. I am a big fan of Maru.
He's famous for running across the room and sliding into an open box, but my favorite is the one with the Big Box. (Go watch it now. It's really funny.)

ANYWAY!!! Maru has a book out now, and Mom got it for me. Here is The Most AMAZING Thing about Maru:

He only weighs 12 pounds!!!!  I always thought he was a great big fat mancat, but really, he's just a bit bigger than me!! He doesn't like being held either.

Maybe we're related.


  1. I love the last part of the video where he is looking over the side to see if the camera is still rolling!

  2. we gots his book and we love the videos.....

  3. I read that book too and was also surprised that Maru was only a little larger than Binga and Boodie!

  4. Naaah - you're definitely not related Millie. You're much much much more beautiful and sophisticated than him.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. He is amazing! How he puzzled that out and what grace jumping out!!!
    We signed up to subscribe to his you tube videos.

  6. Millie, we thought you are the worlds most famous cat!

  7. Anonymous9:08 PM

    We all love Maru, but let's face it - that boy needs some serious intervention with his box addiction.

    Teresa in NC

  8. Thank you for sharing Maru with us, we'd never seen him before but he's funny! MOL

    You are still the most famous kitty we know.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku (Mom Eileen)

  9. I belong to the don't cuddle me club as well.

    We love MARU, his movies always make mum laugh.

    Julie and Poppy Q
