Saturday, July 07, 2012

Sweltering Saturday

It's really hot and sticky out. I know it's really really hot in a lot of places, and I hope you are staying cool. 

My Mom loves me so much she turned on the air-colditioner just for me.

Tomorrow my favorite tennis player, Roger Federer, will play in his 8th Wimbledon final. I'll be watching.  Stay cool, friends!


  1. I'm glad your human is looking out for you, Millie!

  2. The heat wave finally burst here. It was awful for over a week! Comfy now!
    Good Luck Roger!

  3. We have been lucky. Our electric stayed on. But it is SO hot, it creeps in around the edges so we stay in the middle of the house.

  4. Your mom is one of the world's best moms, isn't she? I hope you gave her a big kiss.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. It rained here and turned cooler! Isn't it great to have Mommies who adjust the AC fur us? We are sum lucky kittehz. Happy Sunday, sweet Millie.
