Saturday, June 02, 2012

Smart Saturday

Mom needs me. I help her get ready to go day hunting.
Here's proof.


  1. Sweet Millie, that is prolly the most impawtant part - furring of the clothes! You're doin a great job!

  2. Good effort there Millie. But it's not just her day-hunting clothes you could help with: her weekend and leisure gear also needs a good press from time to time.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Ha! "Cat" is the opposite of "Assistant"!

  4. Usual at the end of each month I try to get around and visit some other blogs but toward end of May I was working pretty hard and just fell asleep.
    I came over from Sparkle Cat...I read your profile and sound like your mom really cares for you. My son found abandon Kitty and took it to the vet paid all the cost. Now it lives with him and his girl friend.
    I don't know what you two will be hunting for but my Cats Rosie and Ziggy like to hunt for game...Hope you get a chance to stop in some time and the Coffee is on.

  5. Yes, you are doing the most important part of helping her get ready!

  6. The Selvage Fairy9:38 PM

    But today was Saturday. You didn't send her out hunting today did You?

  7. You are helping in a most important way, Millie. Would you like to come over and help me celebrate my birthday?


  8. You're a good little helper Millie!
    What an inspiration you must be in the morning. Bet she doesn't want to leave!

  9. Good Job Millie!!
    It's berry impawtant to make sure no bean leaves the house without a good sprinkling of loving. It helps them to remember to come home for more.
    Did I ever tell you that you look a little like my sister Flynn & I look like Gizzy? Mazing huh?
    My Mama Bean thinks its cool.
    Diego Pavlova xox
