Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Of Woofies, Roots and Crowns...

Tripod landed safely in Alber-kerkie yesterday and should be at her furever home real soon! I don't envy her the visit to the stabby place, but after she gets checked out by the vet I'm sure she's gonna be a very happy woofie.

Mom had to go to the teeth doctor yesterday because one of her teeths was hurting. She needs a root canal to go in one of her crowns.  That does not sound like fun. 

She's been getting ready to teach a quilting class this weekend so she's been kind of a maniac.  I've been making sure she relaxes and gives me lots of scritches.  I may need to lie on top of her to calm her down.


  1. yep - pin her down for a little relaxation time. hope she feels better soon. and YEAH for Tripod!!

  2. WE are happy that Tri-pod has landed! Malcolm is an angel!

    Hope Mom's tooth gets all fixed up and her class goes well!

  3. Yep - that sounds like the way to go Millie.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. I can't imagine what your Mom would do without you Millie!

    Good to hear about Tripod too.

  5. Yay for Tripod! We're sorry to hear your mom has to get a root canal ... yikes. We are purring and praying that all goes well with that. Great job making sure she relaxes, Millie. You are the best!

  6. Glad to hear that update on Tripod! Thank you. Your Mommy prolly needs lots of biskit-makin fur that tooth. She has our Mommy's complete sympathy . We'll say a little purrayer fur her.

  7. looloo1:39 AM

    Oh, Millie, your mum will need your purrs to soften the ache! Aching teeth are awful!

    Is it possible to have a link to see some pictures of Tripod coming home? We fell in love with that special woofie, do you understand?

    Have a nice day!
