Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Truthful Tuesday

Mom says it's always best to be truthful. 

I didn't do anything fancy yesterday. I just napped under my quilt tent on the big wing chair.

The movie Hugo was awesome. Mom and I highly recommend it.


  1. Well, your truth sounds pretty darned good to us, Millie. :) We want to see Hugo, too. Thank you for the recommendation!

  2. If it is best to be truthful, maybe that is why my roommate Binga tries to steal my dinner right out from under me instead of sneaking around to get at it.

  3. Sounds like another day in paradise at your house, Millie.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Nappin unner a quilt tent sounds like a good way ta spend the day ta US!

  5. The truth is always best. A nap in your chair tent was a good way to spend the day. Mom and Dad went to the theater to see Hugo! Mom said it was great, too! Now she wants to buy it!

  6. You don't have to do fancy things every day. Just napping, playing and eating are ok. Oh, snuggles too.
