Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday Three

1. Mom went back to her day hunting gig yesterday. I have been hogging her lap all evening. Heh.

2. She brought herself a new gizmo. She got a Kindle Fire. She really likes it.

3. The Harry Potter books are now available as ebooks. Mom bought them all for her new Kindle. She's already 80% through the first book. (Hey, that's what napping on her does - she reads because she can't do anything else!)


  1. We've done our best nappin whilst the Mom reads her Nook. She's reading The Hunger Games series.

  2. Good to see mom and pusscat back where they belong and all is right with the world. As for the Kindle, you know that your mom only bought that so the rustle of turning pages wouldn't wake you, don't you? She's a very thoughtful and considerate mom, your mom.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. How awesome that your human has the Kindle Fire! My human just got her Kindle less than a year ago and she doesn't feel she should upgrade just yet.

  4. Oh a Kindle upgrade already. Glad to hear you are pleased with it.

    You girls enjoy your time back together.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  5. I don't blame you for snuggling Mom, MIllie. So it is good she has a new Kindle to use.

  6. Bob just started reading the last Harry Potter book. He has them all in the large paper back though.

  7. That's why cat slaves are smarter :)

  8. We know your Mom will enjoy Harry Potter! Mom and Dad watch the moves every couple of months!

  9. Somehow, we gotta get TBT up-to-date on equipments. He is desktop Puter an cordless phone and nothin beyond that.
