Saturday, January 07, 2012

Snoozy Saturday

I've been napping the day away.

Where? I'm not telling.

Maybe it was under the bed, maybe it was in the sewing room, maybe it was on my special pillow in the computer room. Mom couldn't find me all day (so there are no pictures.)

Anyway, I'm not telling.


  1. And, disappointingly, if your mom didn't know where you were, that means that it wasn't on her lap, either.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Lucky you, Millie - I think my human knows ALL my hiding spots!

  3. So we know it was not on Mom, on the bed or in your favorite chair!

  4. A lady is entitled to her secrets. So good for you, not telling where a People could see it...

  5. We lufz secrets!!! We has speshul hiding places, too. Drives our Mommy crazy. MOL!

  6. A cat's gotta nap where a cat wants to nap! Preferably, in private!

    Purrs & Happy New Year!
    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, Sunny, Sky, and Mama Rose

  7. Yes Millie, a girl needs to keep her secrets!!!!!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  8. That's the way it should be, Millie! If she can't find you, she can't bother you with that stoopid flashy box, right?

  9. It is GOOD ta have unknown hidey-spots! Clutterred closets are GREAT fer that an TBT tends ta leave those folding doors open (except when visitors are coming).
