Sunday, January 22, 2012

Le Weekend

 Mom was taming the paper tiger on her desk on Saturday, but we got invaded by these guys
who stayed to watch a movie. (That's PlusOne on the left, and Mr Karate on the right). Mom had to make THREE batches of popcorn with Parmesan cheese for them to eat.

I hid in my tent.

Today Mom finished with the paper tiger, paid all the Mr Bills and now we are watching my pals, the guys named Pat.

Well, sort of. Sometimes those games are just a little bit scary.  (I hope we win, I hope we win, I hope we win...)

OMB! OMB! OMB! OMB! (Oh My Bast!)  We WON!  The guys named Pat are going to the Super Bowl!  OMB!  Woo Hoo!


  1. We're watching too! So far, so good.

  2. Dad is watching. We're rooting too.

  3. It is so nice that the guys come by to visit your Mom! It is good to have the weekend chores done!

  4. I hope your team won Millie.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Did you get any of the popcorn with parmesan, Millie? It sounds yummy and I bet it would have been nice to have some delivered straight to your tent.

  6. It's fun around here when the Boy comes to visit. Our people sit around and watch sports too (hockey here). But we all get extra attention even though we make John all sniffly & sneezy within 5 minutes of getting here. And he never complains.

  7. The Selvage Fairy7:45 PM

    I'll bet your mom didn't feel TOO put upon. I happen to know that she has a soft spot for those particular guys.

  8. We are soooo excited that the guys named Pat are coming here to Indy!! Mom is a big fan (she is not very popular here in Colts country).

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Yoda, Brutus & Ellie

  9. Mom likes the Pats too! Yay!

  10. HeBean likes the guys named Pat. Kidbean likes the black birds.

    It was a long afternoon...

  11. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Oh dear, mom's got the 48-60 hour crud that's going around here in NE--our mom had it last weekend. We watched the Pat boys, too...we also had to leave the room a couple of times. Yikes! But we're going to Indy. Yippee!

    Lizzie & 3 kitties
