Thursday, December 22, 2011

Truthful Thursday

Mom finished the book about the hornet's nest kicking girl last night.  I was right there with her.

I wasn't on the bed.

I wasn't lying in the recliner.

I wasn't lying on the back of the couch.

I wasn't lying next to Mom.

I was lying on top of her. 

I stayed there for an hour.


  1. mmmm, layin on the Mommy is the best!

  2. Wow! You probably made her day!

  3. That made us smile Miss M. We are glad to hear that you are enjoying your snuggles with mum. I have never sat on top of my mum for more than 15 minutes - so you're my hero.

    Poppy Q

  4. Wowza Millie. The build up to your big surprise for your mom on Christmas Day is just fabulous. I wonder how you're planning to top this!

    I am one of the few people left in the Western world who hasn't read the books about the hornet's nest kicking girl. I figure that if the ending was exciting enough to keep you reading right along with your mom for a whole hour, then it must be as good as everyone says. Thanks for the recommendation.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I've followed your blog since you started it, so I know the huge significance of your post. WOW! I'll bet your mom was holding her breath as you got into place!

  6. Purrrrrrrfectly wonderful . . . you are SUCH a good kitty!

  7. Woot, woot! Your mom is the best and I'm glad you're finding how wonderful it is to lay on your human. You made your mom's night, I'll bet.

  8. What a lovely thing to be that close!

    Stay well and happy.

    For those reading this, check out my cat blog archives for some informative posts and archived stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.

    Debby in Arizona

  9. Wow, what exciting news, Millie! We are glad you are getting some snuggle time with your Mom! :)

  10. Wow Millie, that was an excellent Christmas gift for your Mom! We usually all want to sit on Mom, except for Madness who also does everything on her own terms - just like you. Happy snuggles.

  11. Millie, you have come a long way! On top of Mom is the greatest place!

  12. That's lovely, Millie - your Mom must have been thrilled. Keep it up.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  13. Yay! Yer really making progress with your momma, Millie, an' I'm happy fer both of you!

  14. gheez. Were you cold?? It's just cozy laying on a mom, isn't it?
