Thursday, December 01, 2011

Thursday Thought

Mom's been coming home, feeding me; making herself dinner; and then going right into the sewing studio to sew.

You know what that means, don't you? It means the house goes to pot! There are dirty dishes all over the kitchen counters, and the dining room table is covered in STUFF.

And it means I have to DEMAND she STOP and give me SCRITCHES! 

I'm very good at it.


  1. Mommy says that little pink paw pad drives her right ofur the edge! She wouldn't get anything done but kissin it!

  2. The Selvage Fairy10:38 AM

    We know that you don't ask for scritches selfishly, but because it makes her more relaxed and calm to be scratching you. Cats are wonderfully therapeutic, and you must stand your ground.

  3. I agree with the Selvage Fairy, Millie. We know that you don't make your mom stop sewing for your own needs, but because it's not good for her back to keep sewing and sewing without a break. It must be a challenge for you to constantly be thinking about your mom's needs and what you can do to improve her quality of life. Give yourself a break every now and then, won't you.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. The rest of the house can fall apart, but kitty skritches are MANDATORY!

  5. Well, it helps to keep her fingers from cramping up to take a scritch break!
    Warning!! Mom will be starting "The Cruelest Month" soon.

  6. She is addicted to that new sewing machine!

  7. Did Mom get a new machine? Our MOm would be playing on it to!
